Welcome to Trinity Church of the Brethren! We are a congregation where people can grow in their faith in the presence of God and fellow believers. We are a biblically sound, loving and accepting church located in Sidney, Ohio.
Brethren, including Trinity, act in community. Together, we study the Bible to discern God's will; we make decisions as a group, and each person's voice matters. Church members are passionate about serving the surrounding community of Sidney, Ohio, beyond the walls of the church.
Anyone is welcome to visit Trinity Church of the Brethren. Whether you are just starting your faith journey or continuing it, we invite you to join us Sunday or at one of our events.
Have a blessed day,
Pastor Arnold Collett

This is a place of hope, faith and love.
This video details our core values and beliefs. You'll see that service and faith is at the center of all the Brethren Churches across the country. The Brethren Church has impacted countless lives around the world. While the Trinity Church of the Brethren is small, we too have big ideas that match those shown in this video.
The mission of Trinity Church of the Brethren (COB) is to continue the work of Jesus. Peacefully. Simply. Together. The Brethren church was created to nurture believers in the life of faith.
Through Scripture, Jesus calls us to live as courageous disciples by word and action to:
Surrender ourselves to God
Embrace one another
Express God’s love for all creation